

Patient with Menorrhagia Secondary to MHY9 Related Disorder - May Hegglin Syndrome

Maya Shingadia
MBChB, Foundation Yr 2 Doctor, Dudley Group of Hospitals
Samaah Fathima
Fourth year medical student, Nottingham Medical School
Mrs Nasreen Fathima Syeda
MD, MRCOG, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dudley Group of Hospitals.
Dr Ovini Gamage
MBBS, MD (Clinical Haematology), FRCPath (UK), Consultant Haematologist, Dudley Group of Hospitals.


May Hegglin syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder leading to clotting disturbances. This case report describes the management of a woman with May Hegglin syndrome (MYH9 related disorder), presenting with menorrhagia. The patient was managed in line with the national guidance with an MDT input, leading to very good results.


Menorrhagia, MYH9 Related Disorder, May-Hegglin Syndrome

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